Exhibitors of the next fair - 2024 november 17

Kiállítói pillanatkép

Table reservation at the Terra-Akva Fair

Please before booking a table read the rules at the bottom of the page

Rules for exhibitors

General rules
  • The fair starts at 9:00 am. Exhibitors must be completely ready to pack and set up their tables 30 minutes (08:30) before the start of the fair. You can arrive from 6:00 in the morning. The fair lasts until 16:00.
  • Exhibitors can bring a helper with them as described in advance. If you need additional tickets, you can buy them at the ticket office.
  • In all cases, the organizers decide on the location of the exhibitors.
  • Exhibitors are provided with 180x75 cm tables at the fair.
  • Free tickets for reserved tables can be collected at the cashier upon arrival, their quantity is the number of reserved tables +1.
  • Not only the intention to participate must be announced in advance, but also if someone (despite the prior table reservation) gets in the way and cannot participate in the fair. Anyone who does not speak on time may be refused participation in the subsequent fair.
  • Questions and problems should be addressed to the organizers during the fair.
  • It is possible to trigger a permanent table reservation. This must be agreed with the organizers in advance.
  • The organizers have the right to exclude individuals who disturb the peaceful course of the event from not only one, but also all future fairs.
  • The exhibitor is obliged to maintain the cleanliness of the exhibition area and to remove the dirt and garbage caused by it.
  • The exhibitor is obliged to ensure the safety of the animals and their valuables during the exhibition. The organizers do not accept responsibility for possible disappearances.
  • The exhibitor assumes responsibility for injuries caused by his animals (bites, bites, scratches, etc.).
  • The exhibitor assumes responsibility that the animal he sells is really what it is labeled as.
  • Animals that are too young (e.g. a few weeks old chameleon or frog), whose viability is uncertain and difficult for laymen to keep alive, cannot be sold or exhibited at the fair!
Legal rules
  • In the case of vertebrate animals, the exhibitor must bring a veterinary certificate ((872012.) (VIII. 27.) VM decree on the veterinary health rules for the domestic transport of live animals) certifying the health of his animals. Unfortunately, you cannot participate in the fair without it. This is similar to the old certificate called 8A (which has been discontinued)… this is instead.
  • Trade in certain animals requires a permit (cites). At the exhibition, such animals can only be sold in possession of the appropriate permits and certificates.
  • It is strictly forbidden to bring and sell poisonous snakes on the territory of the fair.
  • Dangerous animals can only be sold to persons with the appropriate permits under the sole responsibility of the seller. The seller must verify the existence of these papers.
  • It is strictly forbidden to sell protected and highly protected animals living in Hungary in the fair.
  • Pursuant to Government Decree No. 412010, species that threaten native flora and fauna cannot be sold. According to the law, these are:
    • Chinese sleeper (Perccottus glehni)
    • All species of snakehead fish
    • American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana)
    • Oriental fire-bellied toad (Bombina orientalis)
    • Alligator snapping turtle (Macroclemmys temminckii)
    • Painted turtle (Chrysemys picta)
    • Common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina)
    • Red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans)
    • American mink (Mustela vison)
    • Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
    • North American beaver (Castor canadensis)
    • Mount Graham red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)
    • Striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis)
    • Common raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
    • Nutria (Myocastor coypus)
    • Eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus caroliensis)
Written documents
  • In the case of an animal with a unique permanent mark, data and documents relating to the identification of the animal.
  • Data and documents regarding mandatory immunization.
  • The written description must contain all the information necessary to ensure the health and well-being of the animal and the health of the person keeping it.

In addition to these rules, the fair house rules must also be observed to exhibitors!